Autodesk inventor 2017 has stopped working free

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Autodesk inventor 2017 has stopped working free 


Autodesk inventor 2017 has stopped working free.Slow performance of AutoDesk Inventor/CADwith - Worry-Free Business Security

  Welcome to the forum. Please note, the following list may well require Admin privileges. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. View Original Translate. Try the followings if you have not done so. Support and learning. My first thought is do your systems meet the requirements outlined here?❿    


Autodesk inventor 2017 has stopped working free - Question Info


View Original Translate. English Original X. View Original X. By: Support. Support 0 contributions. Issue: This article provides suggestions on how to troubleshoot situations where Autodesk Inventor is unstable, freezes, crashes, or hangs on launch, opening, saving or during use. An error message that might occur during use is: A software issue has caused Inventor to close unexpectedly. Causes: Autodesk Inventor can crash for a number of reasons, such as a recent Windows update, system file corruption, model file corruption, windows user profile corruption, old graphic card drivers, etc.

There are a number of points documented below. Mark Lancaster. Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it. How to re-register Inventor via Command Prompt. Thanks Mark. Lancaster for the Step-by-Step instructions and the other solutions.

Disabling these add-ins as I tried to, did not work. I have attached a screenshot showing what I did. Is this correct? I was hesitant to believe a lack of them loading is truly what you meant by disabling, and would like to clarify this is in fact what you meant. I am sorry I almost run out of ideas now. Have you checked if. I have done both of these, and neither fixed the problem, as my Autodesk continues to catch on "Loading Feature Catalog Do you know what this feature catalog is in reference to, and where the files for this are located?

I know that Autodesk inventor does show this during the creation of a part, as we have access to working computers at school, however, it does continue to boot up and eventually work. I looked into it being a part of the content center libraries, but this solved nothing as well, due to my having all of the libraries, and my content center configuration is identical to the ones on the aforementioned school laptops.

Is there someone or someplace other than the forms that I could contact that would be able to assist me? And the solutions provided seem generic, like reinstalling files or checking to see if files are there. It appears after talking to a few people more qualified than me at home or at school, that it appears to be a problem either in the coding, or in my files, and since it works well on other computers, I cannot imagine it is with the coder's responsibility.

I would like to know what the process line by line for the creation of a new part is, and where my computer is failing on that list, compared to the computers at school. I have attached my log file for anyone able to dissect it and inform me what the problems occurring in the process are. If I understood how this process works correctly, something is blocking Inventor to load certain dlls essential to running Inventor.

This is either your environment or your user account, which may not have anything to do with Inventor itself. This behavior is unusual. Please feel free to contact Autodesk Product Support for further assistance. Below is link to a prior thread with similar behavior. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. Any behavior that is insulting, rude, vulgar, desecrating, or showing disrespect. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software.

Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. One of the reasons why you're having performance issues while the program is installed is due to software compatibility. The fixes could be one, two or all of the following.

I have ordered the fixes in the order that have offered the most success. Please note, the following list may well require Admin privileges. Watch for the Inventor.

Exe to run when you type in the next step. Support 0 contributions. Issue: After signing in with the appropriate credentials for an Autodesk program, the following error message pops up, and force quits the software.

Product License - Not Found The product license is no longer available. Licensing data has been corrupted and needs to be reset.
